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New England Hand Lines - Hand line for flounder, crabs, cod or mackerel fishing - Great to use in a kayak

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  • This is a vintage hand line that has caught many fish.
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Product Description

New England Hand Line Traditional - Adult Size 

This new hand line is made in Kingston, Massachusetts and the design has been in use for hundreds of years along the coast of New England.  I started making these as I reminisced to the days of filling a rowboat full of winter flounder when I was just a boy.  Oh, those were the days.  Well, I now have 4 children of my own and wanted to share the simple pleasure of flounder fishing the way I did as a child.  There is nothing better than feeling the tug of a fish on this simple little rig and pulling it in was so much fun.  When I started looking for a hand line, I could only find the antiques that sold for $75 to $90.  That was just crazy!!!  With that said, I started making my own and started New England Hand Lines & Tackle Company.

The "Traditional Adult" is ready for your own set up, no hooks or weights included.  I will have 50+ feet of line and a swivel at the end.  If you want extra line or weight/hooks just contact me and we can figure out a price.  

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  1. New England Hand Line - Start your fisherman early 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 20th Jul 2017

    Well designed and crafted product, perfect for smaller hands.